Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 5.....getting by

Okay so this whole picture a day thing while he is gone....I am going to accomplish it...haha
and I am thinking since I missed Friday... I will post a few today...
Today consisted of cleaning...the realtor is coming tomorrow, fighting with Blockbuster (what happened to the no late fees thing....stupid) and getting some stuff done for Jack.... 
so here are today's pictures

look how clean my closet is.....yeah!

I did Jack's side too.... so now it is super clean

Mr Kobe....relaxing...what a life...haha

And Miss Seneca....they miss Jack...

And now one of me....

wish I could figure out how to rotate the picture...haha....

Jms....ilu....have a good day tomorrow...

Everyone else....hope you have a great week!!!

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