Monday, December 21, 2009


So as 2009 comes to a close I thought it might be good to have a post as a kind of year in review. This past year was an experience and I learned alot. I usually make a scrapbook year in review but I figure a post with a few highlights might be good too.

So in review....2009


That was rough month. That was the month that Jack left for deployment. Here is our last picture for a long time.

January continued to be hard, but I was blessed when Jack surprised me and came to visit during a 96. It was amazing to get a little more time with him.
February was block leave for deployment. I loved being able to be with Jack but it was hard to again say goodbye again. This time I knew that the goodbye would be for a while. It was hard and I won't say that I didn't cry, cause I did alot. But I made it through. And the house went on the market that month too.
My first full month without him. It was hard but I survived. Also packed up the house and moved in with Jack's parents.
I survived. I can't really say much else about that month because it wasn't to eventful.
We celebrated 2 years married, even though we were on two different sides of the world. It was also a time to meet new friends for me and for Jack to start school.
Jack continued with school and I worked. Things were going well for Jack in deployment. I had the oppurtunity to see the traveling Vietnam War Memorial. It was incredibly touching.
Helped Jaden celebrate his first fourth of July and started looking for an apartment. We did find one and got the paperwork all done. Jack's friend also came to visit which distracted me from the deployment. We were asked to be godparents to his new baby and were delighted to say yes.
Went back to work full time and moved into the new apartment on my own. It was the first time I had really lived by myself. It was interesting, but I did it.
Homecoming!!!!!! The best part of the year. I met Jack in NC and then got to pick him up in FL. It still amazes me how much I had butterflies in my stomach when I saw the bus that was bringing my heart back. It was such an accomplishment.

I turned 27. Old I know. haha. And we settled back into things. We were making up for the year we had spent apart.
Thanksgiving and the Marine Corps Ball. Our goddaughter was born and is gorgeous.
Where we are now. Getting ready to celebrate Christmas. We also made a huge decision this month. We made the decision to go active reserve and a package was submitted. Craziness I know. So we should know by March or so where we are moving. Hopefully I will remember to blog more in the new year.
I learned a lot about myself and other people this year. I learned that I can do things that I thought I couldn't. I learned our relationship is stronger than any deployment. I learned that good friends come from all places. I also learned those you thought were your good friends may not be there when you really need them. I learned that some people will be there for you no matter what. And I learned that seeing him after 7 months is an amazing feeling and makes you fall in love all over again.
2009 was a challenging year for us, but one that brought successes for us.
We are looking forward to 2010 and all the things that will come with it.
Hope all is well with everyone. And I promise to blog more.
JMS- ilu

Thursday, November 26, 2009

To be Thankful..

Today is Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Today I am going to write about the things I am thankful for this year. There is so much and I am thankful all year round, but today is a day to reflect on that.

So this year I am thankful for....

My family- without their love and support, I am not sure I would be where I am today

My friends- who always know when I need them, who listen and laugh and cry with me, who are always there no matter what, or the distance.

My kitties- they make me smile when I sometimes don't think that I can. They snuggle and love unconditionally.

My health - I have health problems, I know this, but I am alive and moving and that is a lot to be thankful for

Most importantly I am thankful for my husband. I am thankful that he is brave and was able to come home safely from deployment. I am thankful that our love continues to grow and I am thankful that he and I have found one anoter in life and are able to love each other the way we do.

I have so many other things that I am thankful for as well. I think today is a day to reflect on the people and things in our lives that we are grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May you have a wonderful day with you and yours.

JMS - I love you and I am so proud of you.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

234th Marine Corps Birthday Ball

Saturday Jack and I went to the Marine Corps Ball...
It was a great night and we had a ton of fun!

Here are a few pictures.

Cpl and Mrs Sutter

Jack and Adam

Amanda and Katie

Jack, Amanda and Tomlinson...thanks for the bunny ears Jack..haha

OIF 9.1 home and partying!!

Jack and Gunny Rod

awwww.... soo cute

We went downtown too.... crazy I know.. haha.. here is the proof

So all in all it was a great night.

Hope everyone is well.

JMS- You are my favoritest! love you!!


so yeah

So yeah... I stink at updating.
I have a ton of pictures to put up. I did put them on my flickr. So I feel like that is at least a start.
But yeah I am being lazy and not putting them on here.

Jack and I are watching our favorite show right now. Biggest Loser. I love it. It is so inspirational. It makes me feel good to see people making a positive change. I was talking to a friend today, B. B's wife is a nurse and B relayed a story his wife had told him. It made me sad. Basically B's wife has a patient that is so big that on the weight part of the forms it just says over 750 and this person is 32 years old. It is so sad. This person is dying and there is nothing that medical personnel can do to help. They can't even get an accurate weight. It makes me so sad. To think that person got that far and now they are slowly dying.
So yeah I watch Biggest Loser and it makes me happy to see people making positive changes in themselves.

Tonight my coworkers and I went to a Greek restaraunt. It was all right. They kept randomly throwing napkins and screaming OPA!. That was a little weird. I kept covering my food, cause I didn't want napkins falling all over my food. They also had a belly dancer and she definitely got on the table and danced. She pulled my manager up on the table to dance. It was hysterical. B got up there and danced too. I took pictures. I couldn't not.

Lets see what else about today... oh yeah... Happy 234th Birthday Marine Corps!! And most importantly to my favorite Marine!!!

Pictures from the Marine Corps ball are going to be in the next post. I promise to be better about updating. haha.

So I hope that everyone is doing well!

JMS- Happy Birthday to my favorite Marine... I love you.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Definitely should've paid attention

So I learned a few lessons in the last few days. Definitely need to pay attention.

First lesson involves a story....

So thursday ( I think) I was eating lunch outside with some co workers. I am sitting there and I feel something bite my foot. I ignore it cause I figured it was nothing. Anyway by the end of the workday my foot is starting to swell up but I figured whatever. Then I go home, show Jack and I figure I am just going to sleep on it. So thats what I did.
I wake up Friday morning and my whole foot is swollen and starting to get numb as well as the rest of my leg. I assuming at this point that this is not a good thing. I went to work anyway. I could barely get my sneaker on.
I go and my coworkers are like, you need to get that taken care. I think about it. So I called Jack, he got out of work and came to pick me up to take me to the doctor.
Two medications, strict orders to stay off my feet for 3 days and orders to soak my foot in hot water.... and I should be good.

So Lesson 1 learned... don't ignore bites... not the best idea.

Lesson 2.... turn signals are apparently not necessary in FL. driving me nuts

Lesson 3... motorcycles make my hair a mess

Lesson 4... scary movies and Amanda don't mix.. Paranormal activity scared the crap out of me

and Lesson 5... going ot the grocery store while hungry.. not the best idea...

I am getting there... learning lots of good things... haha

Anyway I promise to update pictures soon. I have to take pictures of the new purchases we have made lately.

Hope all is well with everyone.

JMS - I love you.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So I have been somewhat MIA for a bit. I have a good reason.

MY HERO IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep! Yep! We are done with this crazy deployment. So happy about that. So now the pictures aren't while you were gone... but more so... while you are here. Yeah!!

I do have pictures from homecoming... and then the pictures won't be everyday but maybe every few days. We have been busy, just getting back to normal. And it has been amazing. I can not tell you how awesome it is having him home. I love that I can sit here and get his input as I post.

The plan for his time home is to enjoy each other and to hopefully add a little one to the family. We shall see. The trying to conceive tribulations will most likely be the talk of this blog for a bit.

Anyway... on to the pictures... Oh and we were on the news!! woo hoo!! Google Orlando Marines Return home... I think it was Wesh 2... anyway.. thats us!!

I really don't know how to flip them... so yeah... turn your head...haha

Here they are.... love him

Love him!!!!

My Hero!!

Yep... True Story

Back to snuggling!! love it!!
So yeah...happy as happy can be. My monkey is here and I am all good.
Hope everyone is doing well. Look for posts to be weekly for awhile.
JMS - I don't have to miss you anymore... love that so much. My smiles are huge... cause of you!!! Love you!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Woo Hoo!!

We are 96% done with this deployment.
Yes you heard right 96% !!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited. I have been working lots. But the pictures will be updated this week. Next week I may be too busy to do anything.
So yeah... just wanted to share my excitement! Yeah!

JMS - so close now.. I love you Monkey!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Getting So Close Now

So I am slacking on posting pictures of the day... I know I stink.
So here I am updating the pictures...
Day 223 - August 17th
I thought it was cool

Day 224 - August 18th
my pillow I snuggle with

Day 225 - August 19th
Jack's new shoes came

Day 226 - August 20th
stuff to make signs!!! yeah!!!

Day 227 - August 21st
Kobe and Wallace's sign for Daddy

Day 228 - August 22nd
Move In Day!
stuff collecting in the living room

Coming up the stairs...

The empty bathroom

our bedroom in progress

the kitchen

Day 229 - August 23rd
The living room all done

Day 230 - August 24th
the kitchen all done

dining area

Day 231 - August 25th
the bedroom all done...
our closet

bed all made up

Day 232 - August 26th
bathroom all situated

Day 233 - August 27th
Jaden came to visit! And he brought toys. hehe

Look how big.... he has 6 teeth already!!

Day 234 - August 28th
The 2nd foot locker came!!

So I am all caught up and have internet again! yeah for that! haha
Anyways I am going to try to keep this updated more regularly ( I know I say that all the time). But I want Jack to be able to see it.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
JMS - I love you and I miss you. Getting so close now. Stay safe my heart!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

catching up

Needed to catch up on the pictures of the day. So here they are. Jack definitely wanted to see them... so here we are... 88% done with this deployment.

July 26th - Day 201
lazy Kobe

July 27th - Day 202
Seneca is hiding..hahaha

July 28th - Day 203
Sleepy Nuttie... stealing the bed

July 29th - Day 204
me being a goof....

July 30th - Day 205
update on the hearts

July 31st - Day 206
decorating the last box to send to Jack!!!

August 1st - Day 207
sleeping in his t-shirt

August 2nd - Day 208
Happy Birthday Miss Seneca

August 3rd - Day 209
back to work

August 4th - Day 210
Snoopy waiting at the door for Jack to come home....hehe

August 5th - Day 211
Nuttie and Seneca snuggling

August 6th - Day 212
Scrappy being all pretty

August 7th - Day 213
emailing my monkey

August 8th - Day 214
Peanut being all sweet

August 9th -Day 215
Scooby being lazy

August 10th - Day 216
working from home....

August 11th - Day 217
before picture for my hair

August 12th - Day 218
Got my hair done!

August 13th - Day 219
working from home some more

August 14th - Day 220
being a goof ball...haha

August 15th - Day 221
Kobe.. the man...hehe

August 16th - Day 222
another update on the hearts

Finally updated all the pictures hehe. Jack kept asking for them.. haha
JMS - I love you and miss you!!!
