Saturday, August 4, 2012

Baby A

Baby A is already 9 months old! Holy Woah! time is flying. I am going to update her pictures of the month. I am doing 5 months in one post. I am a little behind. Oops.

5 Months Old.
Apparently taking your picture for Mommy just isn't cool anymore
She is finally getting some hair here.
Favorite things: Bentley - of course, going to the park, Silly noises with Daddy and exploring Delaware with Mommy

6 Months Old!
Pictures are getting a bit harder to take.
Fitting into 3-6 month clothes finally.
Favorite things - rolling everywhere, babbling. She traveled to NY twice in April and did so well. Also she loved pushing herself up to a stand whenever she could

7 Months Old
Taking the picture without A eating the paper is getting almost impossible.
Went to the beach for the first time, not a fan.
That only lasted for a day. She is a total water baby.
Favorite things - her glow worm, Bentley, the pool, yelling at the birds, eating baby food, her baby bff Lydia, bathtime

8 months old
We are standing at everything and walking along the furniture. She is silly.
She did get a tooth in her 8th month. It was a surprise. One day Daddy was playing with her, she grabbed his finger and stuck it in her mouth and bit him.
Had to lower the crib because someone pulls herself up on everything.
Favorite things-  Bentley and Atlas (her nanny's dog), swimming, bath time and her "friends" (the toys in the tub), being outside, Baby Einstein anything

9 Months Old
We had professional pictures done. Our photographer was amazing!!!
This is A's baptism dress. She never smiles for professional pictures.
She is cruising along all the furniture and it won't be long before she starts walking on her own. She has a new big girl car seat too! She babbles words. The recognizable ones are mama, dada and pop pop (what she calls Bentley).
Favorite things - eating whatever Mommy and Daddy have, Bentley and Atlas, walking everywhere and crawling when she can't, the pool and bathtime, and playing with all her toys.

Our little girl is getting so big. Its hard to believe. Everyday with her is such a blessing. We are beyond excited about our sweet, happy, funny and smart little girl.

Hope all is well with everyone.

JMS - ilu, AMS - ilu 2



So I have neglected this blog. No bueno. I promise to get better at not doing that.

Anyway an update on us. A lot has been going on. First we have been in Delaware for 5 months now. We are really starting to like it. We live in an area with not a lot going on but we are close to a lot of things so that is good. We love our house which at one point I will post pictures of (if I can ever get pictures without toys in them). And ready for the random part, Jack and I are actually working on our yard. I know it surprises people. We are not big on dealing with the yard but here we had no choice. It was dead and looked horrible. So we decided to do something about it. We put down seed and have been watering it daily. Now it isn't as nice as the neighbor's yard but at least we now have grass. haha.

Jack and I are both liking our jobs and doing well. A loves her nanny and we adore her as well. So all in all it is a good thing.

Baby A is getting so big. We are actually starting to plan her 1st birthday party. Hard to believe it but she is already 9 months old. Its crazy. I will write another post with an update just about A. She is pretty darn cute (I may or may not be biased). haha.

Anyway I promise to get back to this. I feel like I say that a lot, but this time I am sticking to it. I am writing it in my calendar. haha.

Hope all is well with everyone.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Baby A update

So each month we take a picture of Miss Aubrey with her teddy bear. I figure I would post them for everyone. Plus it is a great way to see how she is growing.

1 Month Old

Not liking her picture being taken.

Favorite Things - Bentley, nap time and her turtles on her pack n play.

2 Months Old

A Little better about the pictures now. haha

Favorite Things - Daddy, going to the YMCA, her swing, Bentley, cuddles with Mommy

3 Months Old
Much better with her pictures
Favorite Things - Bentley (she loves that dog), her gym, eating her hands, and a new found fasicination with her glow worm, playing airplane and of course Daddy
4 Months Old
The Bear was packed for the move...oops
Favorite things - Bentley, her gym, her babysitter Patrick, Daddy, rolling over, dancing

She is almost 5 months old. I can't believe it. Her favorite things haven't wavered to much. She loves airplane time with Daddy, Bentley, her gym, her jumper seat and Mickey Mouse clubhouse. Our little angel is growing.
Hope all is well with everyone.

Dela what?

So we are all moved in to our new house. In Delaware!
Here it is!
I have learned some things about Delaware. I'll give you a quick run down. I'll make a 10 on Saturday list. haha.

1. It is illegal to talk on your phone and drive, or text and drive. This is no bueno for me. I am always talking on the phone while driving. That is an adjustment.

2. Apparently there are no Bank of Americas anywhere close. That has proven to be interesting.

3. We are the only Marine family in base housing. That being said we are also the only people that buy the Marine Corps Times. Its fun to pick it up and watch people look at you like you're crazy.

4. There is a ridiculously amazing dog park at the end of our street. We have found it a great place to meet people.

5. Base housing is awesome. The rest of the base leaves a lot to be desired. It seems like the Air Force likes to put money into the housing more.

6. We are moto. We always knew this but it is amplified more on an Air Force base.

7. We are learning a ton about the Air Force here. It is interesting.

8. There is a ridiculously long and dangerous bridge that we had to cross to get here and to go to DC. Jack and I were both scared, not going to lie.

9. It gets cold here. We were so not used to that.

10. Aubrey has gotten some rosey cheeks since being here. Adorable. Here she is in her Bumbo being all cute.

Hope all is well with everyone!

JMS - ilu



Monday, February 27, 2012

packing up..

Well we are just about ready to leave Florida. In just 2 days we start the drive north to Delaware. We are getting more excited as it draws closer.

Not sure if I shared this but Jack decided last week that we would be able to do the move ourselves. So instead of the military coming to pack up our belongings we have done it ourselves. Or should I say I have done it. I found out on Wednesday that we were going to do things ourselves. Jack rented a Uhaul and I have packed our entire house in just 5 days time.

Tomorrow we pick up the truck and load it. I have to clean out the fridge and vacumn the floors but other than that we are as ready as we can be. Jack plans to drive the uhaul and I will take the Prius.

Bentley is going on vacation for a week with our amazing babysitter. He is going to drive up our other car and Bentley and meet us in DC in a weeks time. We are quite excited about this.

So yeah the journey begins in 2 days. Wish us luck.

Hope all is well with everyone!!

JMS- ilu


Saturday, February 18, 2012

4 Months

So Baby A is almost 4 months! Crazy huh! She will be 4 months old on the 24th.

We went to the doctor for her 4 month checkup. Little miss is according to her doctor "perfect". We couldn't agree more.

She is now 11 lbs and 7 ozs and 24 inches long. She is in the 10th percentile for weight and the 50th for height. I see lots of dresses in her future. Her pants don't exactly fit. They are too short. So dresses it is.

Daddy was not the best when she had to get shots. Baby A took it like a champ. Daddy on the other hand couldn't even watch. He doesn't like seeing A cry and of course she cried when she got her shots.

We are still in the process of getting the move organized. But I wanted to give a quick update on our little peanut.

Hope all is well with everyone!

JMS - ilu


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

10 on..

Ten on Tuesday!!

1. I have an amazing husband. Seriously. He is handling our move. Its enough to make me want to pull my hair out. He is doing it calmly and with such attention to detail. I <3 it!

2. Bentley is in for a rude awakening when we move. Hopefully our little crazy man likes cold.

3. Baby A is getting so big. She smiles and talks and rolls. She makes us smile so much.

4. Baby A also likes to talk at 4 am. Although we enjoy her talking 4 am is not exactly the best time.

5. I got Jack underarmour for Valentines Day. Not exactly romantic but useful. He got me the same thing. I love it. We may be geeks but thats okay.

6. Today is my parents 36th wedding anniversary. Crazy huh? Happy Anniversary to them.

7. We have entirely way to much stuff. Yeah for the military packing and moving it for us.

8. Yeah for owning a Prius. My trip north will be so much cheaper because of it.

9. Finding daycare for my child is proving to be difficult. I am not sure I trust just anyone. Ugh.

10. We are ready for our Delaware adventure! Lets hope Delaware is ready for us!!


I fully get that I stink at updating. I know this. But in my defense we have been pretty busy. But still I should have taken some time to update. I know this.

Anyway we have big news. That seems to be the trend with me. I don't blog for a bit and then come back with big news. Apparently that works for me.

Anyway I have been super busy because of this big news. See planning a move that is a 16 hour drive away takes time. Thats right, we are moving. To Delaware! Delawhat you may ask. Delaware. Crazy I know. What may you ask is in Delaware. The answer to that is that I am not yet sure. I know that Jack got orders to the air force base there. I know that my job is super amazing and doesn't care where I live so that works. But other than that we have no clue.

We are busy preparing for our move. I have an amazing husband that has handled most of it. I am working on preparing to move my office to another state. My counterpart at my job has decided to leave the company. This has increased my workload but thats okay. I have a super amazing boss who is supportive and helpful. She is doing a lot of my traveling for me. I am blessed to have this job and such a great boss.

So we still have a ton to do. But we have got some things handled. Just a small sampling of our list is:
Find a house - Done! Thankfully
Contact Moving companies - Done - Thank you military
Get a hitch for our truck - done
Rent a trailer - done
Decide what we are taking with us
Pack said stuff in the trailer
Buy warmer clothes for all of us
Try Bentley's coat on - if it doesn't fit we are going to need to work on that
Drive 16 hours with a 4 month old and a crazy Chihuahua. Should be fun.

So yeah that just a small sampling of the things we have to do. I did find a church and working on getting A's baptism arranged. She has a beautiful dress thanks to my sister.

Other than that we are working on getting stuff done and saying good bye for now to our friends.

Any moving advice would be greatly appreciated!

Hope all is well with everyone!

JMS- ilu!!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Ten on....

So I need to update more. That is obvious. I knew I wouldn't be able to on Tuesday so you are getting a 10 on Monday post. haha.

1. Work is crazy busy. It keeps me distracted.

2. I learned that advertising on a Spanish radio station brings great success where I am. Pretty excited about that.

3. Jack is amazing. He does whatever I put on our to-do list so that by the time the weekend comes I have hardly anything to do. I love it.

4. I feel like Baby A grows while I am at work during the day. No bueno.

5. Bentley is insane. He teases the dogs across the hall. I feel bad for them.

6. Jack and I are going to Universal with some friends in 2 weeks. Super excited. Thank you to our awesome neighbor who is giving us tickets. Hopefully Bentley stops annoying her dogs.

7. I met an older gentleman at church that went to the same college I did. It made me smile.

8. I really need to get on planning A's baptism. Next post I need to have something done for that. If I don't please feel free to call me out on it.

9. My office is next to the shadiest gas station ever. No lie. The place sells male enhancement pills which it advertises on the door and places next to the Dr. Pepper. Its weird. They also have a whole case of supposed tobacco pipes. Pretty sure that they aren't "for tobaco only" as the sign says.

10. I am done getting tickets of any kind. Apparently running a toll in FL will cost a whole lot more than the toll. I bought a second e-pass. Not paying an additional $205 because I was dumb and forgot to look what car the e-pass is in ever again.

Hope everyone has a great week.

JMS- super proud of you. ilu!!


Saturday, January 7, 2012


So I didn't do a post with pictures to review last year, I will at some point. But I figured I should talk a little bit about 2012 and whats in store for us. We have some goals as a family and I have some goals personally.
So my 2012 goals ( I don't like the term resolutions) are as follows.

- Be the best mom, wife, friend I can be. Pretty sure that one is self explainatory but I strive to do this all the time.

- Learn Spanish - this is a necessitity. I need it for work and I am realizing this more and more each day. Time to stop saying I will learn and actually do it.

- See Jack get his bachelors. He is so close. This year he will finish school. I couldn't be more proud of him.

- Travel to Buffalo to snuggle my new nephew, little man. Already have that one planned out.

- Save more money. Jack and I are really working on this one. We, while I, have become really into planning our budgets and finances. I have realized we really need to work on our savings and retirement funds. So in 2012 that is what we will be doing.

So yeah that is our 2012 goals. We are hoping to accomplish them. My life list is slowly getting accomplished. A little more each day.

Hope 2012 is a good year for everyone.

J- ilu



I know it has been a bit since I last posted. A lot has happened. I went back to work and have been insanely busy. We also said goodbye to someone that we love dearly. .

Our goddaughter Addie is an angel now and it saddens Jack and I deeply. She was a light in our lives. So happy and bright and beautiful. Unfortunately in mid December Addie became an angel. She went to be with the Lord. She did save 3 others before she left us in this life. She is now living another life with God. And I know that someday Jack and I will see her again. That gives us a bit of comfort, that and the fact that Aubrey was lucky enough to meet her before she passed. At 16 months old Addie was an inspiration and light for so many. I know I was honored to have known and loved her for as long as we did.

As much I as I say all this, it doesn't make her going to be with God any easier. It doesn't make us any less sad. The tears flow at times when I think no one is around. I try to stay strong for our friends but I won't say its easy. I will say though that I will do what I can to help our friends through this and my husband.

I don't know that anyone knows what to say when God brings such a little angel home. I think that are no words for that. Only prayers and thoughts of comfort. Thats all I can think to do.

It does remind me to tell those I love that I love them often. You can't say it enough. I ask myself did I tell Addie I loved her enough, did she know. I know she did but I can't help but think if I could have only told her one more time. I also think its important to let your friends know that you are there for whatever they need, even if thats just sitting in silence. Jack and I have tried to be the best friends we could be through everything. I hope we have been able to bring some comfort.

Tonight I was saddened to learn of the passing of a dear friend's mother. I am hoping and praying that our friends will be able to find comfort in the times ahead. I feel like there has been enough hardship for now and am looking forward to better times. They have to be coming right?

I promise to work on updating this blog more. Baby A is growing and doing so much. I will post happy posts again soon.

I hope all is well with everyone.

JMS- ironman again! So proud of you!
