Tuesday, February 14, 2012

10 on..

Ten on Tuesday!!

1. I have an amazing husband. Seriously. He is handling our move. Its enough to make me want to pull my hair out. He is doing it calmly and with such attention to detail. I <3 it!

2. Bentley is in for a rude awakening when we move. Hopefully our little crazy man likes cold.

3. Baby A is getting so big. She smiles and talks and rolls. She makes us smile so much.

4. Baby A also likes to talk at 4 am. Although we enjoy her talking 4 am is not exactly the best time.

5. I got Jack underarmour for Valentines Day. Not exactly romantic but useful. He got me the same thing. I love it. We may be geeks but thats okay.

6. Today is my parents 36th wedding anniversary. Crazy huh? Happy Anniversary to them.

7. We have entirely way to much stuff. Yeah for the military packing and moving it for us.

8. Yeah for owning a Prius. My trip north will be so much cheaper because of it.

9. Finding daycare for my child is proving to be difficult. I am not sure I trust just anyone. Ugh.

10. We are ready for our Delaware adventure! Lets hope Delaware is ready for us!!

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