Tuesday, November 10, 2009

so yeah

So yeah... I stink at updating.
I have a ton of pictures to put up. I did put them on my flickr. So I feel like that is at least a start.
But yeah I am being lazy and not putting them on here.

Jack and I are watching our favorite show right now. Biggest Loser. I love it. It is so inspirational. It makes me feel good to see people making a positive change. I was talking to a friend today, B. B's wife is a nurse and B relayed a story his wife had told him. It made me sad. Basically B's wife has a patient that is so big that on the weight part of the forms it just says over 750 and this person is 32 years old. It is so sad. This person is dying and there is nothing that medical personnel can do to help. They can't even get an accurate weight. It makes me so sad. To think that person got that far and now they are slowly dying.
So yeah I watch Biggest Loser and it makes me happy to see people making positive changes in themselves.

Tonight my coworkers and I went to a Greek restaraunt. It was all right. They kept randomly throwing napkins and screaming OPA!. That was a little weird. I kept covering my food, cause I didn't want napkins falling all over my food. They also had a belly dancer and she definitely got on the table and danced. She pulled my manager up on the table to dance. It was hysterical. B got up there and danced too. I took pictures. I couldn't not.

Lets see what else about today... oh yeah... Happy 234th Birthday Marine Corps!! And most importantly to my favorite Marine!!!

Pictures from the Marine Corps ball are going to be in the next post. I promise to be better about updating. haha.

So I hope that everyone is doing well!

JMS- Happy Birthday to my favorite Marine... I love you.


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