Saturday, October 29, 2011


Aubrey Maybach!
Our beautiful little girl made her appearance on Monday October 24th at 10:15 am. She weighed in at 7lbs and 1 ounce and was 20 inches long (19 according to the doctor.) We are absolutely blessed and completely in love with our miracle.
Pretty Princess

Aubrey and Mommy

Snuggling with Daddy

Our love

Jack was able to make it home just in time to see the birth of our sweet little angel. It was an amazing experience. I had a c-section and Jack was absolutely amazing. He was such a great support and I honestly could not have asked for a better experience.

Aubrey is an absolute doll. She lets us sleep for about 5 hours at a time. She did though lose a little weight so we are working on that. She has though been so much more than we expected.

We are a little sad that Daddy has to go back on deployment for a little bit but Aubrey and I can handle it. We are already planning an outfit for Daddy's return. Aubrey or baby Aubley as Jaden calls her, is such a Daddy's girl. She loves Jack and her eyes open wide everytime she hears or sees him. It is the sweetest thing.

I promise to update more as I get a chance. I was slightly occupied the past little bit though. I will update with the story of Jack coming home. It was interesting.

I hope all is well with everyone.

JMS - I am so proud of you and feel so blessed to share this experience with you. ilu and A does too.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 on Tuesday

I am updating on Tuesday 2 weeks in a row. Go me. Now don't count on this happening all the time, especially after Baby A comes but for now I am going with it.
1. We are 76% done with this deployment. Yep less than 1/4 left. Yeah!!
2. Bentley apparently enjoys barking at everyone. Bribing him with toys and bones has become common place so I can work.
3. My neighbor Lacey is nothing short of amazing. Her friendship is such a blessing. She has offered to do my grocery shopping for me and watch Bentley so I can sleep. I love that girl.
4. Baby A will be here soon. I feel like it is an answer to our prayers and I can't wait to see her little face.
5. That being said, Baby A does need to wait. At least until my birthday. I need people here to at least get me to the hospital. So hold on little on.
6. Our cat Kobe has finally learned how to fight back to Bentley. He should have learned this a long time ago. Bentley deserves some of the swats he gets. He torments that poor cat.
7. I feel like I spend a lot of time at the dr's office. I am looking forward to not having to go there every week in a little bit.
8. I am trying to wrap things up with work. Hopefully I can get everything done but I keep getting projects added.
9. I have literally one more weekend before my out of town guests, aka my parents, come. Lets hope I can get everything done.
10. I truly don't think I can live without my dvr. I fall asleep everynight around 7-8:30 or so and I need to watch Jeopardy. So thank you dvr for allowing me to continue with that habit.
So that was my quick update. Hope all is well with everyone.
JMS - so proud of you. Ilu

Sunday, October 9, 2011


So I have 2 weeks to go until Baby A is here... give or take. Well not exactly. I mean if she isn't here in 2 weeks, she is coming that day. How crazy is that? After waiting and praying for so long, now we are so close. I can say that Jack and I are completely ready. We have everything she could need. And she is spoiled. But thats okay. Her Daddy and I waited a long time for her so we are completely okay with spoiling her.
Okay now to update the pictures of the day.
Day 102 - Sunday October 2nd
My birthday man and me! Happy 2nd Birthday Bentley!!
Day 103 - Monday October 3rd
My helper at work. haha
Day 104 - Tuesday October 4th
Kobe causing trouble
Day 105 - Wednesday October 5th
New couch
Day 106 - Thursday October 6th
37 weeks Pregnant! Officially Full Term!!
Day 107- Friday October 7th
Kobe being all cute
Day 108 - Saturday October 8th Bentley was not happy
Day 109 - Sunday October 9th
A's bag is all packed to go for the hospital.

So we are winding down for this deployment and I couldn't be happier. Not much more time without my favorite person. I am thinking of doing the picture a day of Baby A. not sure yet. We will see.
Anyway hope all is well with everyone.
JMS- ilu. We are about to start our new adventure. I can't wait.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

I need to get back to my Tuesday updates. I know for a bit I might be a little busy as updating so I figure while I can I should update.
1. I <3 the show Biggest Loser. Its on right now and I love it. Amazing.
2. Bentley is afraid of Halloween decorations. It cracks me up. The neighbors put out a pumpkin door mat and Bentley barks at it. He sure is a big bad watch dog. haha
3. Our new couch is being delivered tomorrow!!! Jack found it and bought it online.
4. Baby A is on her way. I am actually in process to give birth now. Holy Wow. Who would have thought that our dream for so long is so close to coming true.
5. Jack is coming home sooner than we first thought. I am not going to lie but I am ridiculously excited about that.
6. I feel like A has already taken over our house. There is baby stuff in every room.
7. I get to see my parents on my birthday for the first time in 8 years!
8. I actually made a meal plan for October and November. So far I have been sticking to it. Woo Hoo!
9. I would not survive with out my dvr. I can't stay awake for longer than 4 hours at a time anymore.. unless of course it is 2am and then I can't sleep at all.
10. I am ridiculously proud of my little man who has been so good and actually mellowing out. Apparently he was waiting till he turned 2 to become a good dog. He has been such a snuggly, well behaved dog. I am beyond happy.
Okay.. That was our quick update.
JMS- we miss you. Can't wait till you are home with us! Not much longer now.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Its October!!!!

So it is finally October! I am so excited about that. I can officially say that Jack will be home next month!! That is the best thing ever. Other great things are happening in October too!
Bentley turns 2 tomorrow. Hard to believe he is going to be a big boy.
My birthday is this month and for the first time in 8 years I will be able to see my parents for my birthday. Granted they fly in at 11pm but still.
Baby A is due to come this month too!
Exciting month for us!
70.3 % done!!!! So now we really are in the downward stretch. So excited!
Day 95 - Sunday September 25th
Got my Maternity Photos!!
Day 96 - Monday September 26th
Last packages needed for Baby A. We are all set now
Day 97 - Tuesday September 27th
My snuggly men
Day 98 - Wednesday September 28th
Present in the mail from Jack. Amazing Sunglasses
Day 99 - Thursday September 29th
36 Weeks Pregnant!! 9 Months!!
Day 100 - Friday September 30th
Getting the Hospital bag packed. Almost time!
Day 101 - Saturday October 1st
Bentley and Bentley playing and being silly

So thats our quick update! Hope all is well with everyone!
JMS - so proud of you. Not much longer now. Miss you and love you!!