Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Starting Over

Starting Over.
The title of this post has a few meanings. I am starting over with this blog. I am bad and forget to post... a lot. I know. I am sorry. But in a sense its a good thing because now I can start over.

I am starting over. In a lot of things. Life has changed. Far more than I ever thought it would. See over 7 years ago I met the love of my life, J. He was and still is insanely important to me and I was then and still am madly in love with him. That all being said, just because someone is in love it doesn't mean that things will work out. That's the case for J and I. See as hard as I tried, our relationship was not as strong as everyone thought it might be. So as much as I tried to fight for us, it was not successful. J and I are splitting up. Its heartbreaking but it is life. For a while I felt bad for myself but then I realized that I needed to be strong and move forward, to start over, so that is what I am doing.

Baby A and I are going to relocate somewhere. Where, I am not yet sure. But the thing is I have so many possibilities. Its exhilarating to have possibilities and hope everywhere. See A and I can go anywhere and do anything. Its an amazing feeling. I am ready and excited for the challenge.

It isn't easy. Shoot I wish it was. It isn't something that I thought I would be doing, but if I am going to do it, well then I am going to rock it. That's how I see it.

So the direction of this blog is changing. No longer is it about a young couple in love. Instead this blog is about a determined and focused woman, single mom, moving forward in life. I am not even sure if anyone even reads this (I wouldn't blame them if they didn't seeing as how I am not consistent in posting) but if you do, I am excited for this journey and to be able to share it.

Hope all is well.
