Monday, July 4, 2011

Moving Along...

16.7 % done with this deployment. Thats pretty good. I am excited. Things have been moving along.
Today was the 4th of July. I spent it with my favorite family other than my own, the Bylers. They are like family anyways. I have been there for both of their kids first fourths. And it has been a blast. They really make me feel like I am a part of the family and that means a lot to me. Plus Jack and I are their youngest child's godparents and Adam is Aubrey's godfather. So they are family.

Anyway.. on to the pictures.

Day 8 - Thursday June 30th

Belly Picture - 23 weeks pregnant

Day 9 -Friday July 1st

A new month on the calendar... getting through this deployment one day at a time

Day 10 - Saturday July 2nd

Spoiled Kitty and all his toys. Silly Kobe. He brings that feather wand thing to bed every night. Its a treat... let me tell you.

Day 11 - Sunday July 3rd

Now that Daddy has seen them... Aubrey's latest picture. She isn't shy about announcing she is a girl

Day 12 - Monday July 4th

Miss Adalynn's 1st 4th. I have more pictures but this one is too cute not to use as the picture of the day.

Hope everyone had a great holiday with their family and friends. Remember that we live in the land of the free.. because of the brave.

Missing my hero today and everyday, but so thankful to have him to miss. So thankful he is brave enough to fight for us. I just think that imagine what he does for people he doesn't even know, imagine what he would do for me and Aubrey. I am proud my husband fights for what he loves, his country and his family.

JMS - ilu and I am so proud of you. Stay Safe.



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