Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ten on Tuesday...

So I decided to blog a ten on tuesday post. It might be a good way to organize my last week. So here is 10 things currently happening in my life, or lessons learned.

1. We bought a new car last week ( an 06 BMW X3), I have yet to figure out how to turn the heat on, should probably figure that out seeing as how I had to scrape ice off my car today.

The new car

2. Our puppy screams like someone is torturing him when he has his nails cut. That was an awesome lesson to learn in the middle of a busy vet's office.

3. Bentley also enjoys his stuffed dog that is twice his size. He enjoys it so much that he humps it, regularly.

4. Apparently I buy the wrong cottage cheese at the grocery store, who knew there were certain kinds. oops.

5. Making fleece blankets relax me and I can do it quickly. Next step, learn how to knit.

Bentley showing off how well he likes his new blanket

6. One of our potential place to relocate is a 35 hour drive away. amazing. Really need to learn to knit for the car ride.

7. My husband tattoos himself when he is bored waiting for tint to get put on our car. Normal people read something, Jack goes to get a tattoo. He is special.

8. Boys like to wear white socks with dress pants. I am not sure why. Out of 15 male employees that I manage, all but 3 had white socks on. The one only had dress socks on by default, he had two pairs on because it was cold.

9. Speaking of employees, they like to give way to much information when they call in sick. I promise I believe you the first time you say you are sick. I do not need the extra information.

10. As gross as the things the guy Bear on the show Man vs Wild does, I am mesmorized. I have to watch it and see the craziness. Clearly it is an addiction.

I just may make this an every Tuesday thing. I kind of like it. I may also start the not me Monday. Haven't decided yet. We shall see.

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

JMS- I love you and your silly dog.


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